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A Better Tool To Fight The Homework Battle
Teach your kids a system to help them succeed
A friend and I were talking about our kids recently, as we often do. We were talking about how they manage homework. Because its that time of year again.
The first few weeks of school fly by in the chaos of new schedules and optimism. Excitement. Nerves. Logistics.
But as we settle into the Fall season, kids who are old enough start to have regular, daily homework. Minutes of required reading. But more, they have projects. Writing assignments. Things that need multiple steps and tasks. And things that require the allocation of time, and planning in advance.
My friend, we’ll call her Alma, has 3 kids. But her oldest, we’ll call Ben, was diagnosed with ADHD years ago. When he was first diagnosed, the primary issue they had was his behavior. Impulse control, some physical expressions of frustration. It was typical stuff. But they were very proactive. He has his moments. But years later he has a good toolbox to help him figure out how to manage his own behavior in trying situations.
But things have started to shift. Ben is now in middle school. His behavior is well under control. But he has a lot more homework. And instead of having small, concrete tasks to finish over the course of a week. He is…