Hi, I think you need to create a framework. Figure out what the important issues are surrounding your decision. Lifestyle, money, intellectually interesting, patient population, for example. Spend some time thinking about what goes into your decision.
Then, spend some time thinking about exactly what you want from each of them.
Then, look at each specialty. How do each of them rank with each of those important points. Like, plastic surgeons make a lot of money but will I enjoy that patient population? Or, urology has a good quality of life but do I find it intellectually interesting? Go through the whole list and rank each one.
When you are done, you should have a rank order of each one. There should be a number that tells you which one aligns with what is important to you.
Finally, gut check. Does that feel like the one you want? If not, why not?
I hope that helps. Decisions are hard. Especially big ones like your specialty.
Good luck.